This is an old revision of the document!



Yocto can be used to create a customised Linux installation on an embedded system with a fully writable root filesystem and package management.

This page builds yocto for the STM32MP157D-DK1 Discovery kit and uses the ST Yocto “recipes”. These recipes may not be what you want but are a good place to start.


Install required tools for yocto (and buildroot).

apt update
apt full-upgrade
apt install build-essential git libncurses5-dev libssl-dev bc picocom tmux chrpath diffstat gawk zstd lz4 gdisk locales

Install locale for yocto

dpkg-reconfigure locales


Yocto will not build as root so create an installation directory as non-root

sudo -s
mkdir -p /opt/src/yocto
chown user:user /opt/src/yocto


cd /opt/src/yocto
git clone git://
cd /opt/src/yocto/poky
git checkout mickledore
cd /opt/src/yocto
git clone
cd /opt/src/yocto/meta-st-stm32mp
git checkout mickledore
cd /opt/src/yocto
git clone
cd /opt/src/yocto/meta-openembedded
git checkout mickledore

Fixes for meta-st-stm32mp


GCC has been updated so rename patch version

git mv recipes-devtools/gcc/gcc-source_12.2.bbappend recipes-devtools/gcc/gcc-source_12.3.bbappend

NB the above is a known but unaddressed issue

Dev tools

Fix bugs with the compiler checksum and path on AARCH64

diff -u recipes-devtools/gcc-arm-none-eabi/ recipes-devtools/gcc-arm-none-eabi/
--- recipes-devtools/gcc-arm-none-eabi/    2023-08-15 17:54:43.909829551 +0100
+++ recipes-devtools/gcc-arm-none-eabi/ 2023-08-15 18:05:45.399685699 +0100
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 LICENSE = "GPL-3.0-with-GCC-exception & GPL-3.0-only"

 LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://share/info/;md5=32f1a898d3ddd89ccb368ff8f483c98a"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM:aarch64 = "file://share/info/;md5=dfc35c9a2dc2669a7eb33db64ef328cc"

 SRC_URI = ";name=gcc-arm-x86"
 SRC_URI[gcc-arm-x86.sha256sum] = "8c5acd5ae567c0100245b0556941c237369f210bceb196edfe5a2e7532c60326"
@@ -12,7 +13,7 @@
 PV = "11"

 S = "${WORKDIR}/gcc-arm-11.2-2022.02-x86_64-arm-none-eabi"
-S:aarch64 = "${WORKDIR}/gcc-arm-11.2-2022.02-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu"
+S:aarch64 = "${WORKDIR}/gcc-arm-11.2-2022.02-aarch64-arm-none-eabi"

 do_install() {
     install -d ${D}/${datadir}/gcc-arm-none-eabi

NB the above patch has been submitted to ST.


Disable the AI demo if the compiler aborts with a floating point bug (seen on AMD64).

diff -u recipes-extended/m4projects/ recipes-extended/m4projects/
--- recipes-extended/m4projects/     2023-08-14 19:32:51.813485117 +0100
+++ recipes-extended/m4projects/  2023-08-14 19:38:11.402908332 +0100
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
        STM32MP157C-EV1/Applications/OpenAMP/OpenAMP_TTY_echo_wakeup \
        STM32MP157C-EV1/Applications/FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS_ThreadCreation \
        STM32MP157C-EV1/Applications/CoproSync/CoproSync_ShutDown \
-       STM32MP157C-EV1/Demonstrations/AI_Character_Recognition \

@@ -64,7 +63,6 @@
        STM32MP157C-DK2/Applications/FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS_ThreadCreation \
        STM32MP157C-DK2/Applications/CoproSync/CoproSync_ShutDown \
        STM32MP157C-DK2/Applications/OpenAMP/OpenAMP_TTY_echo_wakeup \
-       STM32MP157C-DK2/Demonstrations/AI_Character_Recognition \


NB the correct solution would be to update the compiler


Create build directory and enter

cd /opt/src/yocto
source ./poky/oe-init-build-env build

Add layers

diff -u conf/bblayers.conf.orig conf/bblayers.conf
--- conf/bblayers.conf.orig     2023-08-13 15:55:14.394940760 +0100
+++ conf/bblayers.conf  2023-08-13 15:56:27.130193221 +0100
@@ -9,4 +9,7 @@
   /opt/src/yocto/poky/meta \
   /opt/src/yocto/poky/meta-poky \
   /opt/src/yocto/poky/meta-yocto-bsp \
+  /opt/src/yocto/meta-openembedded/meta-oe \
+  /opt/src/yocto/meta-openembedded/meta-python \
+  /opt/src/yocto/meta-st-stm32mp \

Add options

diff -u conf/local.conf.orig conf/local.conf
--- conf/local.conf.orig        2023-08-14 10:26:47.714480200 +0100
+++ conf/local.conf     2023-08-14 10:27:37.948358400 +0100
@@ -36,7 +36,10 @@
 #MACHINE ?= "edgerouter"
 # This sets the default machine to be qemux86-64 if no other machine is selected:
-MACHINE ??= "qemux86-64"
+#MACHINE ??= "qemux86-64"
+MACHINE = "stm32mp1"
+XZ_DEFAULTS = "--memlimit=1500MiB"

 # These are some of the more commonly used values. Looking at the files in the
 # meta/conf/machine directory, or the conf/machine directory of any additional layers


bitbake-layers show-layers
NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
layer                 path                                                                    priority
core                  /opt/src/yocto/poky/meta                                                5
yocto                 /opt/src/yocto/poky/meta-poky                                           5
yoctobsp              /opt/src/yocto/poky/meta-yocto-bsp                                      5
openembedded-layer    /opt/src/yocto/meta-openembedded/meta-oe                                5
meta-python           /opt/src/yocto/meta-openembedded/meta-python                            5
stm-st-stm32mp        /opt/src/yocto/meta-st-stm32mp                                          6


bitbake -c menuconfig virtual/kernel

ARM64 host

Build Configuration:
BB_VERSION           = "2.4.0"
BUILD_SYS            = "aarch64-linux"
NATIVELSBSTRING      = "universal"
TARGET_SYS           = "arm-poky-linux-gnueabi"
MACHINE              = "stm32mp1"
DISTRO               = "poky"
DISTRO_VERSION       = "4.2.2"
TUNE_FEATURES        = "arm vfp cortexa7 neon vfpv4 thumb callconvention-hard"
TARGET_FPU           = "hard"
meta-yocto-bsp       = "mickledore:0a98281d37b0bd8dc1548c390216cb3978e36e0e"
meta-python          = "mickledore:75cf318cef3b4ee81fad2782cf063ecd69ba8842"
meta-st-stm32mp      = "mickledore:931b3f5be2c00f55d114c8f9122082a9d229b776"

AMD64 host

Build Configuration:
BB_VERSION           = "2.4.0"
BUILD_SYS            = "x86_64-linux"
NATIVELSBSTRING      = "debian-11"
TARGET_SYS           = "arm-poky-linux-gnueabi"
MACHINE              = "stm32mp1"
DISTRO               = "poky"
DISTRO_VERSION       = "4.2.2"
TUNE_FEATURES        = "arm vfp cortexa7 neon vfpv4 thumb callconvention-hard"
TARGET_FPU           = "hard"
meta-yocto-bsp       = "mickledore:0a98281d37b0bd8dc1548c390216cb3978e36e0e"
meta-python          = "mickledore:75cf318cef3b4ee81fad2782cf063ecd69ba8842"
meta-st-stm32mp      = "mickledore:931b3f5be2c00f55d114c8f9122082a9d229b776"


Build an image such as `core-image-minimal' or `core-image-full-cmdline'

#! /bin/bash
. /opt/src/yocto/poky/oe-init-build-env /opt/src/yocto/build
bitbake core-image-full-cmdline


bitbake core-image-minimal
Loading cache: 100% |#############################################################################################################|
Loaded 4037 entries from dependency cache.
Parsing recipes: 100% |###########################################################################################################|
Parsing of 2370 .bb files complete (2369 cached, 1 parsed). 4037 targets, 144 skipped, 0 masked, 0 errors.
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies

Build Configuration:
BB_VERSION           = "2.4.0"
BUILD_SYS            = "aarch64-linux"
NATIVELSBSTRING      = "universal"
TARGET_SYS           = "arm-poky-linux-gnueabi"
MACHINE              = "stm32mp1"
DISTRO               = "poky"
DISTRO_VERSION       = "4.2.2"
TUNE_FEATURES        = "arm vfp cortexa7 neon vfpv4 thumb callconvention-hard"
TARGET_FPU           = "hard"
meta-yocto-bsp       = "mickledore:0a98281d37b0bd8dc1548c390216cb3978e36e0e"
meta-python          = "mickledore:75cf318cef3b4ee81fad2782cf063ecd69ba8842"
meta-st-stm32mp      = "mickledore:3fb487682e2896e195000dd8cbf6b29ee968e0d8"

Initialising tasks: 100% |########################################################################################################|
Sstate summary: Wanted 105 Local 0 Mirrors 0 Missed 105 Current 1357 (0% match, 92% complete)
Removing 4 stale sstate objects for arch stm32mp1: 100% |#########################################################################|
NOTE: Executing Tasks
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 3809 tasks of which 3618 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded.


Write image to microsd card identified as /dev/sdc

#! /bin/bash
cd /opt/src/yocto/build/tmp/deploy/images/stm32mp1
./scripts/ flashlayout_core-image-full-cmdline/optee/FlashLayout_sdcard_stm32mp157d-dk1-optee.tsv
sudo dd if=FlashLayout_sdcard_stm32mp157d-dk1-optee.raw of=/dev/sdc bs=4M conv=fdatasync,notrunc status=progress
sleep 1
sudo hdparm -z /dev/sdc


NOTICE:  Model: STMicroelectronics STM32MP157D-DK1 Discovery Board
NOTICE:  Board: MB1272 Var3.0 Rev.C-03
INFO:    PMIC version = 0x21
INFO:    Reset reason (0x15):
INFO:      Power-on Reset (rst_por)
INFO:    FCONF: Reading TB_FW firmware configuration file from: 0x2ffe2000
INFO:    FCONF: Reading firmware configuration information for: stm32mp_io
INFO:    Using SDMMC
INFO:      Instance 1
INFO:    Boot used partition fsbl1
NOTICE:  BL2: v2.8-stm32mp1-r1.0(debug):lts-v2.8.6-dirty(ff0bd5f9)
NOTICE:  BL2: Built : 17:57:15, Apr 21 2023
INFO:    BL2: Doing platform setup
INFO:    RAM: DDR3-DDR3L 16bits 533000kHz
INFO:    Memory size = 0x20000000 (512 MB)
INFO:    BL2: Loading image id 1
INFO:    Loading image id=1 at address 0x2ffff000
INFO:    Image id=1 loaded: 0x2ffff000 - 0x2ffff1ea
INFO:    FCONF: Reading FW_CONFIG firmware configuration file from: 0x2ffff000
INFO:    FCONF: Reading firmware configuration information for: dyn_cfg
INFO:    FCONF: Reading firmware configuration information for: stm32mp1_firewall
INFO:    BL2: Loading image id 4
INFO:    Loading image id=4 at address 0xde000000
INFO:    Image id=4 loaded: 0xde000000 - 0xde00001c
INFO:    OPTEE ep=0xde000000
INFO:    OPTEE header info:
INFO:          magic=0x4554504f
INFO:          version=0x2
INFO:          arch=0x0
INFO:          flags=0x0
INFO:          nb_images=0x1
INFO:    BL2: Loading image id 8
INFO:    Loading image id=8 at address 0xde000000
INFO:    Image id=8 loaded: 0xde000000 - 0xde038bc8
INFO:    BL2: Skip loading image id 9
INFO:    BL2: Loading image id 2
INFO:    Loading image id=2 at address 0xc0500000
INFO:    Image id=2 loaded: 0xc0500000 - 0xc051ee40
INFO:    BL2: Skip loading image id 16
INFO:    BL2: Loading image id 5
INFO:    Loading image id=5 at address 0xc0100000
INFO:    Image id=5 loaded: 0xc0100000 - 0xc01f5d3c
NOTICE:  BL2: Booting BL32
INFO:    Entry point address = 0xde000000
INFO:    SPSR = 0x1d3
I/TC: Early console on UART#4
I/TC: Embedded DTB found
I/TC: OP-TEE version: 3.19.0-dev (gcc version 12.3.0 (GCC)) #1 Fri Oct 14 19:00:05 UTC 2022 arm
I/TC: WARNING: This OP-TEE configuration might be insecure!
I/TC: WARNING: Please check
I/TC: Primary CPU initializing
I/TC: Platform stm32mp1: flavor PLATFORM_FLAVOR - DT stm32mp157d-dk1.dts
I/TC: DTB enables console (non-secure)
I/TC: Primary CPU switching to normal world boot
optee optee: OP-TEE: revision 3.19 (afacf356)

U-Boot 2022.10-stm32mp-r1 (Oct 03 2022 - 19:25:32 +0000)

Model: STMicroelectronics STM32MP157D-DK1 Discovery Board
Board: stm32mp1 in trusted mode (st,stm32mp157d-dk1)
Board: MB1272 Var3.0 Rev.C-03
DRAM:  512 MiB
optee optee: OP-TEE: revision 3.19 (afacf356)
- MPU : 800 MHz
- MCU : 208.878 MHz
- AXI : 266.500 MHz
- PER : 24 MHz
- DDR : 533 MHz
Core:  359 devices, 39 uclasses, devicetree: board
WDT:   Started watchdog with servicing (32s timeout)
NAND:  0 MiB
MMC:   STM32 SD/MMC: 0
Loading Environment from MMC... *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment

In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
Net:   eth0: ethernet@5800a000
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
Boot over mmc0!
Saving Environment to MMC... Writing to redundant MMC(0)... OK
switch to partitions #0, OK
mmc0 is current device
Scanning mmc 0:8...
Found U-Boot script /boot.scr.uimg
4187 bytes read in 116 ms (35.2 KiB/s)
## Executing script at c4100000
Executing SCRIPT on target=mmc0
FOUND /mmc0_extlinux/stm32mp157d-dk1_extlinux.conf
Saving Environment to MMC... Writing to MMC(0)... OK
switch to partitions #0, OK
mmc0 is current device
Scanning mmc 0:8...
Found /mmc0_extlinux/stm32mp157d-dk1_extlinux.conf
Retrieving file: /mmc0_extlinux/stm32mp157d-dk1_extlinux.conf
Retrieving file: /splash_portrait.bmp
Select the boot mode
1:      OpenSTLinux
2:      stm32mp157d-dk1-a7-examples
3:      stm32mp157d-dk1-m4-examples
Enter choice: 1:        OpenSTLinux
Retrieving file: /uImage
append: root=PARTUUID=e91c4e10-16e6-4c0e-bd0e-77becf4a3582 rootwait rw   console=ttySTM0,115200
Retrieving file: /stm32mp157d-dk1.dtb
## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at c2000000 ...
   Image Name:   Linux-6.1.28
   Created:      2023-05-11  14:04:52 UTC
   Image Type:   ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed)
   Data Size:    7835448 Bytes = 7.5 MiB
   Load Address: c2000040
   Entry Point:  c2000040
   Verifying Checksum ... OK
## Flattened Device Tree blob at c4000000
   Booting using the fdt blob at 0xc4000000
   XIP Kernel Image
   Loading Device Tree to cffde000, end cffff651 ... OK

Starting kernel ...

I/TC: Secondary CI/TC: Secondary CPU 1 switching to normal world boot
[    0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0
[    0.000000] Linux version 6.1.28 (oe-user@oe-host) (arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-gcc (GCC) 12.3.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils) #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu May 11 14:04:52 UTC 2023
[    0.000000] CPU: ARMv7 Processor [410fc075] revision 5 (ARMv7), cr=10c5387d
[    0.000000] CPU: div instructions available: patching division code
[    0.000000] CPU: PIPT / VIPT nonaliasing data cache, VIPT aliasing instruction cache
[    0.000000] OF: fdt: Machine model: STMicroelectronics STM32MP157D-DK1 Discovery Board
[    0.000000] Memory policy: Data cache writealloc
[    0.000000] Reserved memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x10000000, size 0 MiB
[    0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node mcuram2@10000000, compatible id shared-dma-pool
[    0.000000] Reserved memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x10040000, size 0 MiB
[    0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node vdev0vring0@10040000, compatible id shared-dma-pool
[    0.000000] Reserved memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x10041000, size 0 MiB
[    0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node vdev0vring1@10041000, compatible id shared-dma-pool
[    0.000000] Reserved memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x10042000, size 0 MiB
[    0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node vdev0buffer@10042000, compatible id shared-dma-pool
[    0.000000] Reserved memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x10048000, size 0 MiB
[    0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node mcu-rsc-table@10048000, compatible id shared-dma-pool
[    0.000000] Reserved memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x30000000, size 0 MiB
[    0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node mcuram@30000000, compatible id shared-dma-pool
[    0.000000] Reserved memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x38000000, size 0 MiB
[    0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node retram@38000000, compatible id shared-dma-pool
[    0.000000] cma: Reserved 64 MiB at 0xda000000
[    0.000000] Zone ranges:
[    0.000000]   Normal   [mem 0x00000000c0000000-0x00000000ddffffff]
[    0.000000]   HighMem  [mem 0x00000000de000000-0x00000000dfffffff]
[    0.000000] Movable zone start for each node
[    0.000000] Early memory node ranges
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0x00000000c0000000-0x00000000d3ffffff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0x00000000d4000000-0x00000000d7ffffff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0x00000000d8000000-0x00000000ddffffff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0x00000000de000000-0x00000000dfffffff]
[    0.000000] Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x00000000c0000000-0x00000000dfffffff]
[    0.000000] psci: probing for conduit method from DT.
[    0.000000] psci: PSCIv1.0 detected in firmware.
[    0.000000] psci: Using standard PSCI v0.2 function IDs
[    0.000000] psci: MIGRATE_INFO_TYPE not supported.
[    0.000000] psci: SMC Calling Convention v1.1
[    0.000000] percpu: Embedded 16 pages/cpu s34004 r8192 d23340 u65536
[    0.000000] Built 1 zonelists, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 129992
[    0.000000] Kernel command line: root=PARTUUID=e91c4e10-16e6-4c0e-bd0e-77becf4a3582 rootwait rw   console=ttySTM0,115200
[    0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes, linear)
[    0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes, linear)
[    0.000000] mem auto-init: stack:all(zero), heap alloc:off, heap free:off
[    0.000000] Memory: 335712K/524288K available (12288K kernel code, 1315K rwdata, 3516K rodata, 1024K init, 226K bss, 123040K reserved, 65536K cma-reserved, 0K highmem)
[    0.000000] SLUB: HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=2, Nodes=1
[    0.000000] trace event string verifier disabled
[    0.000000] rcu: Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation.
[    0.000000] rcu:     RCU event tracing is enabled.
[    0.000000]  Trampoline variant of Tasks RCU enabled.
[    0.000000] rcu: RCU calculated value of scheduler-enlistment delay is 10 jiffies.
[    0.000000] NR_IRQS: 16, nr_irqs: 16, preallocated irqs: 16
[    0.000000] rcu: srcu_init: Setting srcu_struct sizes based on contention.
[    0.000000] arch_timer: cp15 timer(s) running at 24.00MHz (virt).
[    0.000000] clocksource: arch_sys_counter: mask: 0xffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x588fe9dc0, max_idle_ns: 440795202592 ns
[    0.000001] sched_clock: 56 bits at 24MHz, resolution 41ns, wraps every 4398046511097ns
[    0.000020] Switching to timer-based delay loop, resolution 41ns
[    0.001650] Console: colour dummy device 80x30
[    0.001717] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 48.00 BogoMIPS (lpj=240000)
[    0.001741] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
[    0.002053] Mount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes, linear)
[    0.002078] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes, linear)
[    0.003066] CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok
[    0.003564] /cpus/cpu@0 missing clock-frequency property
[    0.003614] /cpus/cpu@1 missing clock-frequency property
[    0.003633] CPU0: thread -1, cpu 0, socket 0, mpidr 80000000
[    0.004934] cblist_init_generic: Setting adjustable number of callback queues.
[    0.004954] cblist_init_generic: Setting shift to 1 and lim to 1.
[    0.005169] Setting up static identity map for 0xc0100000 - 0xc0100060
[    0.005404] rcu: Hierarchical SRCU implementation.
[    0.005413] rcu:     Max phase no-delay instances is 1000.
[    0.007113] smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs ...
[    0.014646] CPU1: thread -1, cpu 1, socket 0, mpidr 80000001
[    0.014856] smp: Brought up 1 node, 2 CPUs
[    0.014873] SMP: Total of 2 processors activated (96.00 BogoMIPS).
[    0.014884] CPU: All CPU(s) started in SVC mode.
[    0.015811] devtmpfs: initialized
[    0.053447] VFP support v0.3: implementor 41 architecture 2 part 30 variant 7 rev 5
[    0.053828] clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 19112604462750000 ns
[    0.053857] futex hash table entries: 512 (order: 3, 32768 bytes, linear)
[    0.057459] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem
[    0.059836] NET: Registered PF_NETLINK/PF_ROUTE protocol family
[    0.062780] DMA: preallocated 256 KiB pool for atomic coherent allocations
[    0.064542] thermal_sys: Registered thermal governor 'step_wise'
[    0.065042] cpuidle: using governor menu
[    0.065454] hw-breakpoint: found 5 (+1 reserved) breakpoint and 4 watchpoint registers.
[    0.065471] hw-breakpoint: maximum watchpoint size is 8 bytes.
[    0.065898] Serial: AMBA PL011 UART driver
[    0.069519] stm32-pm-domain pm_domain: domain core-ret-power-domain registered
[    0.069554] stm32-pm-domain pm_domain: subdomain core-power-domain registered
[    0.069566] stm32-pm-domain pm_domain: domains probed
[    0.097717] platform 5a001000.display-controller: Fixed dependency cycle(s) with /soc/etzpc@5c007000/i2c@40012000/hdmi-transmitter@39
[    0.100912] platform Fixed dependency cycle(s) with /soc/etzpc@5c007000/i2c@40012000/hdmi-transmitter@39
[    0.104661] platform 49000000.usb-otg: Fixed dependency cycle(s) with /soc/etzpc@5c007000/i2c@5c002000/stusb1600@28/connector
[    0.131634] kprobes: kprobe jump-optimization is enabled. All kprobes are optimized if possible.
[    0.138366] SCSI subsystem initialized
[    0.139284] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
[    0.139362] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
[    0.139427] usbcore: registered new device driver usb
[    0.139941] pps_core: LinuxPPS API ver. 1 registered
[    0.139952] pps_core: Software ver. 5.3.6 - Copyright 2005-2007 Rodolfo Giometti <>
[    0.139980] PTP clock support registered
[    0.140346] EDAC MC: Ver: 3.0.0
[    0.141480] Driver 'scmi-optee' was unable to register with bus_type 'tee' because the bus was not initialized.
[    0.144577] clocksource: Switched to clocksource arch_sys_counter
[    0.158695] NET: Registered PF_INET protocol family
[    0.159056] IP idents hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes, linear)
[    0.161228] tcp_listen_portaddr_hash hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes, linear)
[    0.161275] Table-perturb hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes, linear)
[    0.161299] TCP established hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes, linear)
[    0.161353] TCP bind hash table entries: 4096 (order: 4, 65536 bytes, linear)
[    0.161498] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 4096 bind 4096)
[    0.161645] UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes, linear)
[    0.161694] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes, linear)
[    0.161956] NET: Registered PF_UNIX/PF_LOCAL protocol family
[    0.162947] RPC: Registered named UNIX socket transport module.
[    0.162966] RPC: Registered udp transport module.
[    0.162972] RPC: Registered tcp transport module.
[    0.162977] RPC: Registered tcp NFSv4.1 backchannel transport module.
[    0.163743] hw perfevents: enabled with armv7_cortex_a7 PMU driver, 5 counters available
[    0.165821] Initialise system trusted keyrings
[    0.166360] workingset: timestamp_bits=14 max_order=17 bucket_order=3
[    0.177505] squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher
[    0.178789] NFS: Registering the id_resolver key type
[    0.178858] Key type id_resolver registered
[    0.178865] Key type id_legacy registered
[    0.179027] nfs4filelayout_init: NFSv4 File Layout Driver Registering...
[    0.179039] nfs4flexfilelayout_init: NFSv4 Flexfile Layout Driver Registering...
[    0.179098] ntfs: driver 2.1.32 [Flags: R/O].
[    0.179377] jffs2: version 2.2. (NAND) © 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc.
[    0.180630] Key type asymmetric registered
[    0.180648] Asymmetric key parser 'x509' registered
[    0.180910] bounce: pool size: 64 pages
[    0.181094] Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 246)
[    0.181107] io scheduler mq-deadline registered
[    0.181116] io scheduler kyber registered
[    0.193769] STM32 USART driver initialized
[    0.213254] brd: module loaded
[    0.223048] loop: module loaded
[    0.230714] CAN device driver interface
[    0.232729] pegasus: Pegasus/Pegasus II USB Ethernet driver
[    0.232808] usbcore: registered new interface driver pegasus
[    0.232877] usbcore: registered new interface driver asix
[    0.232944] usbcore: registered new interface driver ax88179_178a
[    0.232992] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ether
[    0.233069] usbcore: registered new interface driver smsc75xx
[    0.233135] usbcore: registered new interface driver smsc95xx
[    0.233184] usbcore: registered new interface driver net1080
[    0.233232] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_subset
[    0.233278] usbcore: registered new interface driver zaurus
[    0.233388] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ncm
[    0.235484] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
[    0.235766] usbcore: registered new device driver onboard-usb-hub
[    0.239049] i2c_dev: i2c /dev entries driver
[    0.242562] arm_smc_wdt watchdog: Watchdog registered (timeout=32 sec, nowayout=0)
[    0.244782] sdhci: Secure Digital Host Controller Interface driver
[    0.244795] sdhci: Copyright(c) Pierre Ossman
[    0.244802] Synopsys Designware Multimedia Card Interface Driver
[    0.245231] sdhci-pltfm: SDHCI platform and OF driver helper
[    0.246446] ledtrig-cpu: registered to indicate activity on CPUs
[    0.246951] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
[    0.246964] usbhid: USB HID core driver
[    0.249361] optee: probing for conduit method.
[    0.249390] optee: revision 3.19 (afacf356)
[    0.249943] optee: dynamic shared memory is enabled
[    0.252034] optee: initialized driver
[    0.255531] NET: Registered PF_INET6 protocol family
[    0.258491] random: crng init done
[    0.259987] Segment Routing with IPv6
[    0.260032] In-situ OAM (IOAM) with IPv6
[    0.260135] sit: IPv6, IPv4 and MPLS over IPv4 tunneling driver
[    0.261065] NET: Registered PF_PACKET protocol family
[    0.261082] can: controller area network core
[    0.261169] NET: Registered PF_CAN protocol family
[    0.261182] can: raw protocol
[    0.261193] can: broadcast manager protocol
[    0.261208] can: netlink gateway - max_hops=1
[    0.261530] Key type dns_resolver registered
[    0.261652] ThumbEE CPU extension supported.
[    0.261696] Registering SWP/SWPB emulation handler
[    0.262267] Loading compiled-in X.509 certificates
[    0.277882] arm-scmi firmware:scmi: Enabled polling mode TX channel - prot_id:16
[    0.278119] arm-scmi firmware:scmi: SCMI Notifications - Core Enabled.
[    0.278215] arm-scmi firmware:scmi: SCMI Protocol v2.0 'ST:' Firmware version 0x0
[    0.324359] stm32-dma 48000000.dma-controller: STM32 DMA driver registered
[    0.326689] stm32-dma 48001000.dma-controller: STM32 DMA driver registered
[    0.330290] stm32-mdma 58000000.dma-controller: STM32 MDMA driver registered
[    0.334749] stm_thermal 50028000.thermal: stm_thermal_probe: Driver initialized successfully
[    0.338187] /soc/interrupt-controller@5000d000: bank0
[    0.338220] /soc/interrupt-controller@5000d000: bank1
[    0.338238] /soc/interrupt-controller@5000d000: bank2
[    0.340935] stm32mp157-pinctrl soc:pinctrl@50002000: GPIOA bank added
[    0.341625] stm32mp157-pinctrl soc:pinctrl@50002000: GPIOB bank added
[    0.342270] stm32mp157-pinctrl soc:pinctrl@50002000: GPIOC bank added
[    0.342877] stm32mp157-pinctrl soc:pinctrl@50002000: GPIOD bank added
[    0.343516] stm32mp157-pinctrl soc:pinctrl@50002000: GPIOE bank added
[    0.344127] stm32mp157-pinctrl soc:pinctrl@50002000: GPIOF bank added
[    0.344938] stm32mp157-pinctrl soc:pinctrl@50002000: GPIOG bank added
[    0.345683] stm32mp157-pinctrl soc:pinctrl@50002000: GPIOH bank added
[    0.346348] stm32mp157-pinctrl soc:pinctrl@50002000: GPIOI bank added
[    0.346769] stm32mp157-pinctrl soc:pinctrl@50002000: Pinctrl STM32 initialized
[    0.349734] stm32mp157-pinctrl soc:pinctrl@54004000: GPIOZ bank added
[    0.349779] stm32mp157-pinctrl soc:pinctrl@54004000: Pinctrl STM32 initialized
[    0.351746] stm32-usart 40010000.serial: interrupt mode for rx (no dma)
[    0.351766] stm32-usart 40010000.serial: interrupt mode for tx (no dma)
[    0.351796] 40010000.serial: ttySTM0 at MMIO 0x40010000 (irq = 49, base_baud = 4000000) is a stm32-usart
[    1.612603] printk: console [ttySTM0] enabled
[    1.622587] stm32-dwmac 5800a000.ethernet: IRQ eth_lpi not found
[    1.628236] stm32-dwmac 5800a000.ethernet: User ID: 0x40, Synopsys ID: 0x42
[    1.634138] stm32-dwmac 5800a000.ethernet:   DWMAC4/5
[    1.639184] stm32-dwmac 5800a000.ethernet: DMA HW capability register supported
[    1.646566] stm32-dwmac 5800a000.ethernet: RX Checksum Offload Engine supported
[    1.653745] stm32-dwmac 5800a000.ethernet: TX Checksum insertion supported
[    1.660636] stm32-dwmac 5800a000.ethernet: Wake-Up On Lan supported
[    1.667046] stm32-dwmac 5800a000.ethernet: TSO supported
[    1.672209] stm32-dwmac 5800a000.ethernet: Enable RX Mitigation via HW Watchdog Timer
[    1.680011] stm32-dwmac 5800a000.ethernet: Enabled L3L4 Flow TC (entries=2)
[    1.687002] stm32-dwmac 5800a000.ethernet: Enabled RFS Flow TC (entries=10)
[    1.693881] stm32-dwmac 5800a000.ethernet: TSO feature enabled
[    1.699797] stm32-dwmac 5800a000.ethernet: Using 32/32 bits DMA host/device width
[    1.715631] stm32_rtc 5c004000.rtc: registered as rtc0
[    1.719442] stm32_rtc 5c004000.rtc: setting system clock to 2000-01-01T00:00:09 UTC (946684809)
[    1.728487] stm32_rtc 5c004000.rtc: Date/Time must be initialized
[    1.734178] stm32_rtc 5c004000.rtc: registered rev:1.2
[    1.758673] i2c 0-004a: Fixed dependency cycle(s) with /soc/etzpc@5c007000/sai@4400b000/audio-controller@4400b024
[    1.767726] i2c 0-004a: Fixed dependency cycle(s) with /soc/etzpc@5c007000/sai@4400b000/audio-controller@4400b004
[    1.778509] stm32f7-i2c 40012000.i2c: STM32F7 I2C-0 bus adapter
[    1.806586] stpmic1 1-0033: PMIC Chip Version: 0x21
[    1.851117] stpmic1-regulator 5c002000.i2c:stpmic@33:regulators: Failed to create device link (0x180) with 1-0033
[    1.860153] stpmic1-regulator 5c002000.i2c:stpmic@33:regulators: Failed to create device link (0x180) with 1-0033
[    1.870292] stpmic1-regulator 5c002000.i2c:stpmic@33:regulators: Failed to create device link (0x180) with 1-0033
[    1.880519] stpmic1-regulator 5c002000.i2c:stpmic@33:regulators: Failed to create device link (0x180) with 1-0033
[    1.890845] stpmic1-regulator 5c002000.i2c:stpmic@33:regulators: Failed to create device link (0x180) with 1-0033
[    1.901066] stpmic1-regulator 5c002000.i2c:stpmic@33:regulators: Failed to create device link (0x180) with 1-0033
[    1.911287] stpmic1-regulator 5c002000.i2c:stpmic@33:regulators: Failed to create device link (0x180) with 1-0033
[    1.921636] stpmic1-regulator 5c002000.i2c:stpmic@33:regulators: Failed to create device link (0x180) with 1-0033
[    1.932250] stm32f7-i2c 5c002000.i2c: STM32F7 I2C-1 bus adapter
[    1.941391] mmci-pl18x 58005000.mmc: Got CD GPIO
[    1.945586] mmci-pl18x 58005000.mmc: mmc0: PL180 manf 53 rev2 at 0x58005000 irq 66,0 (pio)
[    1.990442] stm32-ipcc 4c001000.mailbox: ipcc rev:1.0 enabled, 6 chans, proc 0
[    2.000654] stm32-rproc 10000000.m4: wdg irq registered
[    2.007928] remoteproc remoteproc0: m4 is available
[    2.022911] i2c i2c-0: Added multiplexed i2c bus 2
[    2.029264] input: pmic_onkey as /devices/platform/soc/5c007000.etzpc/5c002000.i2c/i2c-1/1-0033/5c002000.i2c:stpmic@33:onkey/input/input0
[    2.043973] stm32-usbphyc 5a006000.usbphyc: registered rev:1.0
[    2.053721] [drm] Initialized stm 1.0.0 20170330 for 5a001000.display-controller on minor 0
[    2.062124] dwc2 49000000.usb-otg: supply vusb_d not found, using dummy regulator
[    2.068636] dwc2 49000000.usb-otg: supply vusb_a not found, using dummy regulator
[    2.120154] mmc0: new high speed SDHC card at address 9773
[    2.126288] mmcblk0: mmc0:9773 SD08G 7.42 GiB
[    2.141722] GPT:Primary header thinks Alt. header is not at the end of the disk.
[    2.147880] GPT:10485759 != 15564799
[    2.151363] GPT:Alternate GPT header not at the end of the disk.
[    2.157398] GPT:10485759 != 15564799
[    2.160873] GPT: Use GNU Parted to correct GPT errors.
[    2.166259]  mmcblk0: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11
[    2.215038] dwc2 49000000.usb-otg: EPs: 9, dedicated fifos, 952 entries in SPRAM
[    2.222617] dwc2 49000000.usb-otg: DWC OTG Controller
[    2.226508] dwc2 49000000.usb-otg: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
[    2.233720] dwc2 49000000.usb-otg: irq 76, io mem 0x49000000
[    2.240869] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
[    2.243288] hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected
[    2.250431] ehci-platform 5800d000.usb: EHCI Host Controller
[    2.254816] ehci-platform 5800d000.usb: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
[    2.264159] ehci-platform 5800d000.usb: irq 77, io mem 0x5800d000
[    2.304686] ehci-platform 5800d000.usb: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00
[    2.311686] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
[    2.314165] hub 2-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
[    2.604698] usb 2-1: new high-speed USB device number 2 using ehci-platform
[    2.604831] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p10): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Quota mode: disabled.
[    2.619648] VFS: Mounted root (ext4 filesystem) on device 179:10.
[    2.627016] devtmpfs: mounted
[    2.630495] Freeing unused kernel image (initmem) memory: 1024K
[    2.665298] Run /sbin/init as init process
INIT: version 3.04 booting
[    2.826938] hub 2-1:1.0: USB hub found
[    2.829569] hub 2-1:1.0: 4 ports detected
Starting udev
[    3.247488] udevd[121]: starting version 3.2.11
[    3.293417] udevd[122]: starting eudev-3.2.11
[    4.011962] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p10): re-mounted. Quota mode: disabled.
Fri Mar  9 12:34:56 UTC 2018
INIT: Entering runlevel: 5
Configuring network interfaces... [    6.703557] stm32-dwmac 5800a000.ethernet eth0: Register MEM_TYPE_PAGE_POOL RxQ-0
[    6.824718] stm32-dwmac 5800a000.ethernet eth0: PHY [stmmac-0:00] driver [RTL8211F Gigabit Ethernet] (irq=POLL)
[    6.843500] dwmac4: Master AXI performs any burst length
[    6.847712] stm32-dwmac 5800a000.ethernet eth0: No Safety Features support found
[    6.855078] stm32-dwmac 5800a000.ethernet eth0: IEEE 1588-2008 Advanced Timestamp supported
[    6.863609] stm32-dwmac 5800a000.ethernet eth0: registered PTP clock
[    6.872784] stm32-dwmac 5800a000.ethernet eth0: configuring for phy/rgmii-id link mode
udhcpc: started, v1.36.1
udhcpc: broadcasting discover
udhcpc: broadcasting discover
[   11.120036] stm32-dwmac 5800a000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 1Gbps/Full - flow control rx/tx
[   11.127223] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready
udhcpc: broadcasting discover
udhcpc: broadcasting select for, server
udhcpc: lease of obtained from, lease time 86400
/etc/udhcpc.d/50default: Adding DNS
/etc/udhcpc.d/50default: Adding DNS
/etc/udhcpc.d/50default: Adding DNS
Starting syslogd/klogd: done

Poky (Yocto Project Reference Distro) 4.2.2 stm32mp1 /dev/ttySTM0

stm32mp1 login:

It appears the power controller is probed before the I2C interface exists hence it doesn't work


Add package-management to extra features to gain access to RPM or dpkg/apt in local.conf

EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES ?= "debug-tweaks package-management"

Package format defaults to RPM but can be changed to deb.

Rebuild and boot new image.

Copy any RPM packages to host for installation when required.


scp e2fsprogs-resize2fs-1.47.0-r0.cortexa7t2hf_neon_vfpv4.rpm root@stm32mp1:

Install package with RPM

rpm -i e2fsprogs-resize2fs-1.47.0-r0.cortexa7t2hf_neon_vfpv4.rpm

Use resize2fs, for example, to resize the root partition.


df -h /
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root       244M  115M  112M  51% /


resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p10
resize2fs 1.47.0 (5-Feb-2023)
Filesystem at /dev/mmcblk0p10 is mounted on /; on-line resizing required
old_desc_blocks = 3, new_desc_blocks = 32
The filesystem on /dev/mmcblk0p10 is now 4194304 (1k) blocks long.


df -h /
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root       3.8G  115M  3.5G   4% /


Binaries for the RPi have been tested to run on the STM32MP1 but may have missing libraries.


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