Table of Contents




If on ARCH64 setup ARMHF

dpkg --add-architecture armhf
apt install libc6:armhf



Fetch the binary package for the correct platform from here.

Raspberry Pi OS
mkdir bitscope-server
cd bitscope-server
ar x ../bitscope-server_1.1.FK26BWAG_armhf.deb
tar xf data.tar.gz
cp usr/bin/bitscope-server /usr/local/bin/
bitscope-server --help

Usage: bitscope-server <options>

       -h,-?,--help   | print this help
       -v,--verbose   | verbose output, for debugging
       -c,--count N   | open up to N devices (default:1)
       -p,--port P    | open starting at port P (default:16385)
       -l,--latency L | assign server latency L in ms (default:8)
       -d,--daemon    | start in daemon mode (from command line)
       -i,--install   | register the daemon. This has no effect under unix.
       -u,--uninstall | unregister the daemon. This has no effect under unix.
       -r,--run       | start the daemon. Windows does this. Do not do it manually.

Assign a larger latency for lower CPU load if necessary. Use verbose from command
line only. Note that only -h and -v are implemented in this beta release.


sleep 2

ulimit -aH

exec /usr/local/bin/bitscope-server -v < /dev/stderr


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