This is an old revision of the document!

MSP430 Flasher

The only way to fetch the source for this tool is to install a binary blob for AMD64.


wget ""
chmod +x ./
cd "$HOME/ti/MSPFlasher_1.3.20/"
tar -zcvf mspflasher.tgz Source/


First install


sudo -s
mkdir -p /opt/src/MSPFlasher
cd /opt/src/MSPFlasher
tar zxvf ~/mspflasher.tgz
cd Source
sed -i 's/-lmsp430/-lmsp430 -lpthread/' Makefile


 diff -u Support.cpp.orig Support.cpp
--- Support.cpp.orig    2023-11-09 19:17:11.714300113 +0000
+++ Support.cpp 2023-11-09 19:18:32.873483304 +0000
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@

     // get parameter
-    while ((cOpt = getopt(argc, ( char**)argv, g_cAllOpts, RTE)) != EOF )
+    while ((cOpt = getopt(argc, ( char**)argv, g_cAllOpts, RTE)) != (char)EOF )
         // choose code for determined parameter
         switch (cOpt)
@@ -761,7 +761,7 @@

     // get additional use case specific parameters
-    while ((cOpt = getopt(argc, ( char**)argv, g_cAllOpts, RTE)) != EOF )
+    while ((cOpt = getopt(argc, ( char**)argv, g_cAllOpts, RTE)) != (char)EOF )
         for(i = 0; i < g_lCountOpt; i++)                        // for every element of struct of additional parameters

make cp ../MSP430Flasher /usr/local/bin/ </code>

diff -u StdUseCase.cpp.orig StdUseCase.cpp
--- StdUseCase.cpp.orig 2019-05-13 10:02:00.000000000 +0100
+++ StdUseCase.cpp      2023-11-09 19:20:18.204412719 +0000
@@ -388,6 +388,10 @@
         StdUseCase_Exit(EXIT_INITIALIZE, 0);

+    // load device database
+    MSP430_LoadDeviceDb(NULL);
+    Print_N_Log(STD_MSG,"* Loaded device database.\n");
     // set interface speed
     if(sOpt->pcFETspeed != NULL)


When you run this with parameters it sits in a infinite loop reading the arguments, hence it's useless without fixes.

Fixes can be found on the TI forum, however, whether it works or not is also dependant upon the firmware version in the target which can be downgraded using an old and then upgraded with a newer


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