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Pro Mini
Two examples of Pro Mini clones, one with an 8 Mhz XTAL and 3V3 VREG and the other with a 16 Mhz XTAL and 5V VREG. Both have an ATMEGA328P micro-controller.
3V3 8 Mhz ========= DTR TXD RXD VCC GND GND PD1 PD0 TXD PD1 RAW RXD PD0 GND RST RST GND VCC 2 PD2 PC5 A5 PC3 A3 3 PD3 PC4 A4 PC2 A2 4 PD4 PC1 A1 5 PD5 PC0 A0 6 PD6 PB5 13 7 PD7 LED RESET PB4 12 8 PB0 PB5 BUTTON PB3 11 9 PB1 PB2 10 PC6 PC7 GND A6 A7
We can power the boards with VCC up to 5V or utilise the RAW input which will feed the regulator.
A cp2104 serial module is well suited to connect to the pro mini and is able to supply both 3V5 and 5V for VCC. The photos show a cp2104 module in the background.
Boot loader
An arduino boot loader is present on these devices which communicates at 57600 baud. This is a reliable speed for a Pro Mini with an 8MHz XTAL but 115200 baud can be used on the 16 MHz device if the Optiboot boot loader is installed.
In the arduino IDE, the 3V3 device is selected as an `Arduino Pro or Pro Mini (3.3V, 8 MHz) w/ ATMEGA328'.
These devices don't have an ISP connector but we can wire and replace the boot loader, for example, with a USBasp.