ChipKIT Pi

MX270 at 48MHz

Prototyping board + chipKIT Pi + Pi Zero

The ChipKITPi is a PIC32, MIPS32 based add-on board for the Raspberry Pi Model B.

It is designed to be used with the Multi-Platform Integrated Development Environment but this isn't a requirement.

RPi GPIO header

NC              01      02 GPIO0/GPIO2/SDA
GPIO1/GPIO3/SCL 03      04 NC
GPIO4           05      06 GND
GPIO18          07      08 GPIO17
GND             09      10 GPIO21/GPIO27
GPIO23          11      12 GPIO22
GPIO24          13      14 3V3
GND             15      16 GPIO10
GPIO25          17      18 GPIO9
GPIO8           19      20 GPIO11
GPIO7           21      22 GND

PIC32 GPIO headers

Arduino 3V3 compatible
                                                JA1             PIC32MX250F128B
                                                ===             ===============
JA4 POWER       PIC32MX250F128B                 NC NC
=========       ===============                 G  GND          8,19,27 GND
RESET           1       !MCLR                   13 D13 SCK      25      RB14
3V3             13,28   3V3                     12 D12 MISO     17      RB8
5V0                                             11 D11 MOSI PWM 3       RA1
GND             8,19,27 GND                     10 D10 SS       16      RB7
GND             8,19,27 GND                     9  D9 PWM       22      RB11    JP12
VIN                                             8  D8           21      RB10    JP13

JA3 ANALOG                                      7  NC
==========                                      6  NC
A0              2       RA0     JP15            5  NC
A1              26      RB15    JP11            4  NC
NC                                              3  D3 INT1 PWM  24      RB13
NC                                              2  D2 INT2      14      RB5
SDA             6       RB2                     1  D1 TXD       11      RB4
SCL             7       RB3                     0  D0 RXD       12      RA4


LED             PIC32MX250F128B
===             ===============
LED3            13,28   3V3
LED1            2       RA0     JP15
LED2            26      RB15    JP11
RX1             12      RA4
TX1             11      RB4


SW              PIC32MX250F128B
==              ===============
BOOTLOAD-EN     18      RB9
RESET           1       !MCLR


JTAG    PIC32MX250128B          JTAG    PIC32MX250128B
====    ==============          ====    ==============
6       8,19,27 GND             5       14      RB5     JP10
4       18      RB9     JP6     3       17      RB8     JP8
2       13,28   3V3             1       16      RB7     JP14


PIC32MX250F128B         RASPBERRY Pi
===============         ============

1       !MCLR  --330R-- GPIO4
4       PGD1   -------- GPIO15 Rx
5       PGC1   -------- GPIO14 Tx

ICSP is wired internally to the chipKIT Pi and no other wiring is necessary.

Boot loader & LED demo

The boot loader firmware can be updated or programmed into a blank chip using Pickle Microchip PIC ICSP.

The process is documented on the chipkit32 boot loader project page which also contains information about an LED blink demo.


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