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Table of Contents
This is a pack containing four boards utilising STM32 processors.
Two boards combine as a LoRaWAN gateway and the two others combine as LoRaWAN client.
This product is considered obsolete since the firmware on the gateway has not been updated since 2018 and it is not compatible with modern services.
Connect the the ethernet and power the LoRaWAN plugin board on the gateway package using a 5V PSU. An RPi3 PSU is ideal.
The ST-LINK port will act as a terminal which is used to configure the gateway from a PC.
$ picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyACM1
_/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ Powered by RisingHF & STMicroelectronics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION: 2.1.7, Nov 6 2018 LOG: OFF AT ECHO: ON BAUDRATE: 115200bps MACADDR: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ETHERNET: DHCP DNS1: DNS2: NTP SERVER: EUI PADDING: {3, FF}, {4, FF} GATEWAY ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LORAWAN: Public LORAWAN SERVER: UPLINK UDP PORT: 1780 DOWNLINK UDP PORT: 1780 CHANNEL0: 867100000, A, SF7/SF12, BW125KHz (LORA_MULTI_SF) CHANNEL1: 867300000, A, SF7/SF12, BW125KHz (LORA_MULTI_SF) CHANNEL2: 867500000, A, SF7/SF12, BW125KHz (LORA_MULTI_SF) CHANNEL3: 867700000, A, SF7/SF12, BW125KHz (LORA_MULTI_SF) CHANNEL4: 867900000, A, SF7/SF12, BW125KHz (LORA_MULTI_SF) CHANNEL5: 868100000, B, SF7/SF12, BW125KHz (LORA_MULTI_SF) CHANNEL6: 868300000, B, SF7/SF12, BW125KHz (LORA_MULTI_SF) CHANNEL7: 868500000, B, SF7/SF12, BW125KHz (LORA_MULTI_SF) CHANNEL8: 868300000, B, SF7, BW250KHz (LORA_STANDARD) CHANNEL9: 868800000, B, 50Kbps (FSK) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Concentrator starting... Concentrator Radio A type SX1257 Concentrator Radio B type SX1257 Concentrator started (2926ms) ST LoRa GW V2 Ethernet starting... Ethernet started DHCP IP: Downlink UDP Connected Uplink UDP Connected
AT+HELP +HELP: OK AT -- AT Ping HELP -- Print command list -> AT+HELP FDEFAULT -- Restore factory default -> AT+FDEFAULT RESET -- Reset gateway -> AT+RESET SYS -- Check device configuration -> AT+SYS VER -- Version -> AT+VER LOG -- Logging -> AT+LOG -> AT+LOG=ON -> AT+LOG=OFF ECHO -- AT echo on/ff -> AT+ECHO -> AT+ECHO=ON -> AT+ECHO=OFF MAC -- MAC address -> AT+MAC -> AT+MAC=mac_address IP -- Gateway DHCP/STATIC ip -> AT+IP -> AT+IP=DHCP -> AT+IP=STATIC,ip,netmask,gateway DNS -- DNS record -> AT+DNS -> AT+DNS=dns1,dns2 NTP -- NTP server address -> AT+NTP -> AT+NTP=ntp_server_address EUI -- MACADDRESS (EUI48) to EUI64 padding -> AT+EUI -> AT+EUI=pos0,val0_hex,pos1,val1_hex LORAWAN -- LORAWAN Public/Private -> AT+LORAWAN -> AT+LORAWAN=PUBLIC -> AT+LORAWAN=PRIVATE PKTFWD -- Packet forwarder server address and port -> AT+PKTFWD -> AT+PKTFWD=address,port_up,[port_down] CH -- Packet forwarder channels -> AT+CH -> AT+CH=0~7,freq,radio // Set multi SF LoRa channel -> AT+CH=8,freq,radio,sf,bw // Set standard LoRa channel -> AT+CH=9,freq,radio // Set FSK channel -> AT+CH=0~9,0 // Turn off a channel -> AT+CH=0~9,OFF // Turn off a channel -> AT+CH=EU868|US915|EU433|CN780|AU915|AS923|KR920|CN470|IN866|CN470PREQUEL BAUDRATE -- UART baudrate -> AT+BAUDRATE -> AT+BAUDRATE=new_br // MAX 4000000bps
LoRaWAN Server
Setup the server then create a connection.
AT+PKTFWD=,1680,1680 +PKTFWD:, 1680, 1680 AT+RESET