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USB Type-C / PIC32 Breakout & Development Board


RP4   RA3  A3 |            | A2  RA2   RP3
RP10  RB4  B4 |            | SC  SCL2
RP5   RA4  A4 |            | SD  SDA2
RP11  RB5  B5 |            | B1  RB1   RP7
RP12  RB7  B7 |            | B0  RB0   RP6
RP18  RC9  C9 |            | EN  !MCLR
          3V3 |            | 3V3
          GND |            | 0V  GND
           5V |            | 5V
         SBU2 |    USBC    | SBU1
      GND  0V |            | 5V
RP3   RA2  A2 |            | SC  SCL2
RP4   RA3  A3 |            | SD  SDA2
RP10  RB4  B4 |            | B1  RB1   RP7
RP5   RA4  A4 |            | B0  RB0   RP6
RP11  RB5  B5 |            | PC
RP12  RB7  B7 |            | PD 
           B8 |            | 0V  GND
           B9 |            | 5V
RP18  RC9  C9 |    USBC    | EN  !MCLR


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