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Table of Contents
Microcontroller features
- STM32L432KC in UFQFPN32 package
- ARM®32-bit Cortex®-M4 CPU
- 80 MHz max CPU frequency
- VDD from 1.65 V to 3.6 V
- 256 KB Flash
- 64 KB SRAM
- Timers General Purpose (4)
- SPI/I2S (2)
- I2C (2)
- USART (2)
- 12-bit ADC with 10 channels (1)
- GPIO (20) with external interrupt capability
- Random Generator (TRNG for HW entropy)
Before upgrade
/mnt/c/Apps/stlink-1.7.0-x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/st-info.exe --probe Found 1 stlink programmers version: V2J31S21 serial: 066EFF485688494867121626 flash: 262144 (pagesize: 2048) sram: 49152 chipid: 0x0435 descr: L43x/L44x
After upgrade
/mnt/c/Apps/stlink-1.7.0-x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/st-info.exe --probe Found 1 stlink programmers version: V2J40S27 serial: 066EFF485688494867121626 flash: 262144 (pagesize: 2048) sram: 49152 chipid: 0x0435 descr: L43x/L44x
MC0 8000000 X2 8MHz ST-LINK/V2 NX3225GD-8MHZ-EXS00A-CG04874 HSE MC0 N/A USES MC0 HSI 16000000 LSE 32768 X1 NX3215SA-32.768K-EXS00A-MU00525 LSI 32768