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Table of Contents
Microcontroller features
- Microcontroller features
- STM32F411RET6 in LQFP64 package
- ARM®32-bit Cortex®-M4 CPU with FPU
- 100 MHz max CPU frequency
- VDD from 1.7 V to 3.6 V
- 512 KB Flash
- 128 KB SRAM
- GPIO (50) with external interrupt capability
- 12-bit ADC with 16 channels
- Timers (8)
- I2C (3)
- USART (3)
- SPI (5)
- USB OTG Full Speed
The Arduino headers are almost compatible, the main difference being that D14/D15 are not the same I/O as AD4/AD5 without board adjustments.
Arduino compatible headers PB8 D15 I2C1 SCL PB9 D14 I2C1 SDA AVDD NC GND IOREF LD2 PA5 D13 SPI2 SCK RESET PA6 D12 SPI2 MISO 3V3 PA7 D11 SPI2 MOSI 5V PB6 D10 SPI2 CS GND PC7 D9 GND PA9 D8 USART1 TX VIN PA8 D7 PB10 D6 AD0 PA0 PB4 D5 AD1 PA1 PB5 D4 AD2 PA4 PB3 D3 AD3 PB0 PA10 D2 USART1 RX AD4 PC1 PA2 D1 USART2 TX AD5 PC0 PA3 D0 USART2 RX
MCO 8000000 X1 8MHz ST-LINK/V2 HSE MC0 X3 NOT FITTED USES MC0 HSI 16000000 LSE 32768 X2 32.768K LSI 32768