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Microcontroller features

  • STM32F302R8T6 in LQFP64 package
  • ARM®32-bit Cortex®-M4 CPU
  • 72 MHz max CPU frequency
  • VDD from 2.0 V to 3.6 V
  • 64 KB Flash
  • 16 KB SRAM
  • GPIO (51) with external interrupt capability
  • 12-bit ADC with 15 channels
  • 12-bit DAC
  • RTC
  • Timers (6)
  • I2C (3)
  • USART (3)
  • SPI (2)
  • USB 2.0 FS
  • CAN 2.0B
  • Analog Comparators (3)
  • Operational Amplifier


                PB8    D15  I2C1 SCL
                PB9    D14  I2C1 SDA
NC                     GND
IOREF       LD2 PB13   D13  SPI2 SCK
RESET           PB14   D12  SPI2 MISO     
3V3             PB16   D11  SPI2 MOSI
5V              PB6    D10  SPI2 CS
GND             PC7    D9
GND             PA9    D8
                PA8    D7
                PB10   D6
AD0 PA0         PB4    D5
AD1 PA1         PB5    D4
AD2 PA4         PB3    D3
AD3 PB0         PA10   D2
AD4 PC1         PA2    D1   USART2 TX
AD5 PC0         PA3    D0   USART2 RX

NB all other Nucleo boards use PB5 for LD2.


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