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Selenium get

This is a simple tool to fetch a page using selenium and allowing access to its wait parameters.


sudo apt install python3-full mercurial
hg clone
cd sget


This web page loads a page of temporary content and after a delay it will reload.

The reloaded content contains a subset of the full content and requires scrolling to reveal it all.

Fetch the temporary page

py "" d0.html

Fetch the reloaded page

py "" -d10 d10.html

Compare temporary and reloaded

diff d0.html d10.html | head -30
<    CbDD - lade e8a3bf28-6365-42fe-a4d3-41608ed870e8
>    CbDD - Abtsgmünd, Gartenpavillon Schloss Hohenstadt [Text]
<     <div class="fullScreenCentered loadingIndicator">
<      <div class="spinningCircleBasic spinningCircleTop spinningCircleRight spinningCircleBottom">
<      </div>
<      <div class="fullScreenText">
<       lade Daten ...
>     <div class="dataPage">
>      <div class="document">
>       <div style="margin-top: 0.5rem;">
>        <div class="text-right">
>         <div class="qrView">
>          <div>
>           <a href="/e8a3bf28-6365-42fe-a4d3-41608ed870e8">
>            <span>
>             QR Code
>            </span>
>            <span class="icon-align-big">
>             <i class="material-icons md-36">
>              arrow_drop_down
>             </i>
>            </span>
>           </a>
>          </div>
>         </div>
>         <div class="mapView">

Fetch the page again but this time wait for the reloaded content based on the reloaded tag attribute

py "" -b XPATH -v "//div[@class='dataPage']" dataPage.html

Scrolling the page down to reveal more images is not a function of sget.

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