Table of Contents

Thank you

Tobin Richard

Tobin sent a patch for the pic16f88 back in January 2006, it's been a while. Thank you.

Chris Williams

Thanks to Chris for adding PIC16F873A support many years ago now.

Fred Maquis

Thanks to Fred for testing the Prolific PL-2303 serial adapter on Linux.

Tobias Braun

The PL-2303 was also tested on MACOS/X by Tobias Braun who reported success!

Ian Stoyle

Thanks go to Ian Stoyle who supplied a patch which added support for the 16F84 device which does not have a device id within its configuration. This patch was the origin of the feature to override the device probe and instead supply the device name of the target.

Kristoffer Myskja

Kristoffer Myskja reported that he had great success with the Velleman K8048 on a laptop without serial I/O by using a cardbus serial interface. This is probably the best option for a laptop without a UART.

Johan Ahlander

Johan Ahlander notified me that the application worked fine in NetBSD.

Paul Van Gelder

Working with keen linux user and PIC coder Paul Van Gelder I added support for the Velleman K8076 kit and 16F84A PICMicro. Thanks Paul!

Chaitanya Rogers

Many thanks to Chaitanya Rogers who donated money toward development and to acquire new PICmicros. All the PICMicros acquired with that donation are now supported, thank you.

Josef Larsson

Thank you Josef Larsson for reporting that the 16F690 is compatible with this application using ICSP. This device may also be used in the Velleman K8048 14P socket with pins 8 to 13 unconnected.

David Braithwaite

Thanks go to David Braithwaite as I now have a PIC18LF27J53 to investigate. This was sent free of charge with a RKP28sb PICMicro kit. This PICMicro isn't compatible with the Velleman K8048 but is usable in a direct connection to a Raspberry Pi with 3V3 low voltage programming.

Gerhard Bertelsmann

Thank you Gerhard Bertelsmann for adding erase support for the PIC18F26K80 and for development and testing of OpenWRT GPIO support with the Linux GPIO bit- bang driver kernel module. The PIC18F26K80 is one of a number of devices which are available to program using the LVP(KEY) mode of operation.


I recently bought a PIC16F84 on Ebay for testing purposes. The seller generously sent an extra as a spare part, thank you for that Dawn.

Dustin Hoffman

Dustin Hoffman has reported that he has been using the PIC16F1503 device successfully on the Raspberry Pi in LVP mode. This is an inexpensive method of adding intelligent I/O to this computer. Thank you for this information and good luck with your projects.

Manoj Mokashi

Thanks go to Manoj Mokashi for submitting a patch to add a clocked output mode on TxD for UARTS which cannot send a continuous break condition. This solution requires a T flip flop connected to TxD.

Simon Casey

Simon Casey added support for various high pin count PIC24 devices, see the supported list for more information. Thank you very much for your hard work and good luck with your various projects!

Steve Marchant

Special thanks go to Steve Marchant who made a contribution which has been used to acquire an Orange Pi computer. Evaluation of the Orange Pi has proven its full support in pickle. Good luck Steve.

Jim Gregory

Jim Gregory has reported great success with this program using gpio-bb on an Orange Pi. Jim also solved a bug with the Pi3 which by default swaps the UARTs which broke the ALT release function on this device. Thank you Jim for your help and feedback, and good luck with your many experiments.


Josh added compiler options for 64-bit ARM support after some head scratching! Thank you very much.

Joe Burmeister

Cross compiler update for the build was submitted by Joe as well as testing at least one PICMicro. Thanks!

Tomas Lorenc

Tomas quickly solved support for the Raspberry Pi 4. Thanks for that!

Pete Restall

Thanks got to Pete Restall for providing the fixes for the PIC32MM programming executive support.

Ivo Clarysse

Ivo submitted a patch to support even more FTDI parts and those with multiple UARTS. Thank you.

Martin Burger

Thank you very much Martin for adding support for the PIC18F6520!

Jean-Paul Larocque

Thanks to Jean-Paul for finding and fixing bugs with PIC32MM device programming. Good luck with your endeavours.


Thanks to Thilo for patches demonstrating Linux SysFs GPIO support.

Pablo Arquer

Pablo contributed the configuration for the PIC16F15256 and associated device family, thank you very much.

Seeley Pentecost

Seeley discovered that 8 word programming was enabled for devices that only supported 4 word programming in the PIC16F88X family. This bug has now been fixed, thanks for the help!

Maksim Salau

Maksim provided support for the PIC18(L)F6XK40 family (see DS40001822). Thank you very much Maksim and good luck!


Thank you to Microchip for creating these versatile micro-controllers and also for their sample program which has supplied a number of the tested and supported devices.

Those I missed

If there are others which I have forgotten please forgive me and thank you too.

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