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boards:mmini [2015/01/02 11:14] darronboards:mmini [2015/03/22 21:55] (current) – external edit
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 </wrap> </wrap>
-== Pinout ==+The M-mini is a tiny Linux computer with WiFi running OpenWRT. 
 +=== Pinout ===
 <code> <code>
-                  1 VCC+                  1 3V3
                   x GND                   x GND
                   x USB+                   x USB+
Line 24: Line 26:
 </code> </code>
-== O/S ==+=== Console === 
 +There is a low voltage serial console on RX/TX running at 115,200 bits per second.\\ 
 +A connection was established with a [[:interfaces:cp2102|cp2102]] interface using picocom. 
 <code> <code>
   _______                     ________        __   _______                     ________        __
Line 41: Line 47:
 </code> </code>
-==== References ====+=== GPIO ==
 +root@Easy-link:/# cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio  
 +GPIOs 0-29, ath79: 
 + gpio-8   (USB power           ) out hi 
 + gpio-11  (reset               ) in  lo 
 + gpio-20  (sd-reset            ) in  lo 
 + gpio-27  (elink:green:system  ) out lo 
 +=== WiFi === 
 +First discover the SID. 
 +ifconfig wlan0 up 
 +iwlist scan | & grep M-MINI 
 + ESSID:"M-MINI_030DA4" 
 +ifconfig wlan0 down 
 +Now we may create a connection profile. 
 +#auto wlan0 
 +iface wlan0 inet static 
 +        address 
 +        wireless-retry 20 
 +        wireless-channel 6 
 +        wireless-essid M-MINI_030DA4 
 +        wpa-ap_scan 1 
 +        wpa-key_mgmt NONE 
 +        wpa-ssid M-MINI_030DA4 
 +And then, connect. 
 +ifup wlan0 
 +Starting Nmap 6.00 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2015-01-02 12:58 GMT 
 +Nmap scan report for 
 +Host is up (0.0026s latency). 
 +Not shown: 997 closed ports 
 +22/tcp open  ssh 
 +53/tcp open  domain 
 +80/tcp open  http 
 +Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 38.53 seconds 
 +=== Resources ===
 [[http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/easylink/el-m-mini|OpenWRT]] [[http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/easylink/el-m-mini|OpenWRT]]