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TM7705 A/D module


This TM7705 A/D module is manufactured in China and sold as an AD7705 acquisition board with two 16-bit differential input channels. A 2.5V voltage reference is also on the board.

The TM7705 mimics the operation of the AD7705 and the TM7705 data-sheet is mostly a copy and paste translation of the AD7705 original.



A1+ o                 VCC         o o  GND
A1- o                 CHIP SEL    o o  RESET
A2+ o                 DATA IN     o o  CLOCK
A2- o                 DATA READY  o o  DATA OUT
          TM7705 I.C.


       CLOCK     o    o GND
       MCLK IN   o    o VDD
       MCLK OUT  o    o DATA IN  / MOSI
       CHIP SEL  o    o DATA OUT / MISO
       RESET     o    o DATA READY
       A2+       o    o A2-
       A1+       o    o REF-
       A1-       o    o REF+


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