This SX1301 LoRaWAN gateway daughterboard comes attached to NUCLEO-F746ZG as part of the P-NUCLEO-LRWAN2 kit.
This product is considered obsolete since the gateway firmware on the NUCLEO-F746ZG has not been updated since 2018 and it is not fully compatible with modern services, however, it is compatible with this LoRaWAN server.
- Refer to the LRWAN2 user manual and configure the jumpers.
- Connect the ethernet to the LAN.
- Power up the RisingHF daughterboard with a 1A PSU.
- Connect the ST-LINK to a PC as a terminal console.
A 2A RPi3 PSU is ideal to power the gateway.
The ST-LINK port acts as a terminal console which is used to configure the gateway from a PC.
picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyACM1
_/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ Powered by RisingHF & STMicroelectronics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION: 2.1.7, Nov 6 2018 LOG: OFF AT ECHO: ON BAUDRATE: 115200bps MACADDR: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ETHERNET: DHCP DNS1: DNS2: NTP SERVER: 1.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org EUI PADDING: {3, FF}, {4, FF} GATEWAY ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LORAWAN: Public LORAWAN SERVER: eu1.loriot.io UPLINK UDP PORT: 1780 DOWNLINK UDP PORT: 1780 CHANNEL0: 867100000, A, SF7/SF12, BW125KHz (LORA_MULTI_SF) CHANNEL1: 867300000, A, SF7/SF12, BW125KHz (LORA_MULTI_SF) CHANNEL2: 867500000, A, SF7/SF12, BW125KHz (LORA_MULTI_SF) CHANNEL3: 867700000, A, SF7/SF12, BW125KHz (LORA_MULTI_SF) CHANNEL4: 867900000, A, SF7/SF12, BW125KHz (LORA_MULTI_SF) CHANNEL5: 868100000, B, SF7/SF12, BW125KHz (LORA_MULTI_SF) CHANNEL6: 868300000, B, SF7/SF12, BW125KHz (LORA_MULTI_SF) CHANNEL7: 868500000, B, SF7/SF12, BW125KHz (LORA_MULTI_SF) CHANNEL8: 868300000, B, SF7, BW250KHz (LORA_STANDARD) CHANNEL9: 868800000, B, 50Kbps (FSK) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Concentrator starting... Concentrator Radio A type SX1257 Concentrator Radio B type SX1257 Concentrator started (2926ms) ST LoRa GW V2 Ethernet starting... Ethernet started DHCP IP: Downlink UDP Connected Uplink UDP Connected
AT+HELP +HELP: OK AT -- AT Ping HELP -- Print command list -> AT+HELP FDEFAULT -- Restore factory default -> AT+FDEFAULT RESET -- Reset gateway -> AT+RESET SYS -- Check device configuration -> AT+SYS VER -- Version -> AT+VER LOG -- Logging -> AT+LOG -> AT+LOG=ON -> AT+LOG=OFF ECHO -- AT echo on/ff -> AT+ECHO -> AT+ECHO=ON -> AT+ECHO=OFF MAC -- MAC address -> AT+MAC -> AT+MAC=mac_address IP -- Gateway DHCP/STATIC ip -> AT+IP -> AT+IP=DHCP -> AT+IP=STATIC,ip,netmask,gateway DNS -- DNS record -> AT+DNS -> AT+DNS=dns1,dns2 NTP -- NTP server address -> AT+NTP -> AT+NTP=ntp_server_address EUI -- MACADDRESS (EUI48) to EUI64 padding -> AT+EUI -> AT+EUI=pos0,val0_hex,pos1,val1_hex LORAWAN -- LORAWAN Public/Private -> AT+LORAWAN -> AT+LORAWAN=PUBLIC -> AT+LORAWAN=PRIVATE PKTFWD -- Packet forwarder server address and port -> AT+PKTFWD -> AT+PKTFWD=address,port_up,[port_down] CH -- Packet forwarder channels -> AT+CH -> AT+CH=0~7,freq,radio // Set multi SF LoRa channel -> AT+CH=8,freq,radio,sf,bw // Set standard LoRa channel -> AT+CH=9,freq,radio // Set FSK channel -> AT+CH=0~9,0 // Turn off a channel -> AT+CH=0~9,OFF // Turn off a channel -> AT+CH=EU868|US915|EU433|CN780|AU915|AS923|KR920|CN470|IN866|CN470PREQUEL BAUDRATE -- UART baudrate -> AT+BAUDRATE -> AT+BAUDRATE=new_br // MAX 4000000bps
This LoRaWAN server works with the gateway.
AT+PKTFWD=,1680,1680 +PKTFWD:, 1680, 1680 AT+RESET
Last known firmware for the NUCLEO-F746ZG host board.