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MSP-EXP430G2 Launchpad


The MSP-EXP430G2 Launchpad from TI is an inexpensive development board that comes with two processors, a 32K crystal, two headers sockets, a usb lead and two stickers.

The latest boards come with the MSP430G2553 and the MSP430G2452 processors but the first revision came with the MSP430G2231 and MSP430G2211.


$ lsusb

Bus 001 Device 030: ID 0451:f432 Texas Instruments, Inc. eZ430 Development Tool


                                      J3 = SW UART

VCC         3V3                                GND 
P1.0 (LED1) A0                 P2.6            XIN
P1.1 (UART) A1 TXD             P2.7           XOUT
P1.2 (UART) A2 RXD                            TEST
P1.3 (S2)   A3                           (S1)  RST
P1.4        A4             SDA MISO A7        P1.7
P1.5        A5 SCK         SCL MOSI A6 (LED2) P1.6
P2.0           CS                             P2.5
P2.1                                          P2.4
P2.2                                          P2.3

P1.3   P1.0 P1.6                   RESET       GND
S2     LED1 LED2                   S1          VCC
       RED  GREEN

Launchpad demo


First install the development and programming tools.


hg clone
cd msp430-launchpad
make program

The board will flash the LEDs until the button is pressed to enter probe mode.

Probe mode sends the binary encoded value of the chip temperature over the communications port.

Communication can be tested with picocom

picocom -b 2400 /dev/ttyACM0


linux-serial-test -s -R raw -t -p /dev/ttyACM0

It should be noticed that the TI demo was written for devices without a hardware UART and the DIP switches needs to be in the SW UART position to operate.


microxtal.jpg 32k.jpg

When attaching the 32768 Hz crystal, R28 and R29 can be removed to disable header access to XIN and XOUT.

The through holes can be used to attach a generic crystal which is easier to solder that the SMD crystal.


Debugging and programming USB interface MSP430 value line device


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