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interfaces:sdcard [2023/06/25 14:41] darroninterfaces:sdcard [2023/09/18 16:57] (current) darron
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-{{:interfaces:sdcardif1.jpg?200}} {{:interfaces:sdcardif2.jpg?200}}+{{:interfaces:sdcardif1.jpg?100}}
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-{{:interfaces:sdcardif3.jpg?200}} {{:interfaces:sdcardif4.jpg?200}}+{{:interfaces:sdcardif2.jpg?100}} 
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 </wrap> </wrap>
-This interface board contains no logic just two SDCARD +This is a cheap interface found on eBay and elsewhere from China 
-sockets, a regulator, resistors, capacitors and connecting pins.+to connect an SDCARD. Apparently the pull-ups are too low in value 
 +and out of spec. 
 ===Resources=== ===Resources===
-[[https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lm1117.pdf|LM1117 LDO]]+[[https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lm1117.pdf|LM1117 LDO datasheet]] 
 +[[http://elm-chan.org/docs/mmc/mmc_e.html|MMC/SDC howto]] 
 +[[https://www.sdcard.org/downloads/pls/|SDCARD spec]] 