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interfaces:pololu [2021/09/11 06:47] – [Pololu USB AVR] darroninterfaces:pololu [2024/09/02 11:50] (current) darron
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 ==== Pololu USB AVR ==== ==== Pololu USB AVR ====
-The Pololu USB AVR Programmer Version 2.1 is a very versatile and reliable+The Pololu USB AVR Programmer Version 2.1 is a versatile and reliable
 interface device that programs ATMEGA AVR devices. interface device that programs ATMEGA AVR devices.
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   VDD regulator set point:               3.3 V   VDD regulator set point:               3.3 V
   Last device reset:                     Power-on reset   Last device reset:                     Power-on reset
 +$ pavr2cmd -h
 +pavr2cmd: Pololu USB AVR Programmer v2 Command-line Utility
 +Version 1.1.0
 +Usage: pavr2cmd OPTIONS
 +General options:
 +  -s, --status                Show programmer settings and info.
 +  -d SERIALNUMBER             Specifies the serial number of the programmer.
 +  --list                      List programmers connected to computer.
 +  --prog-port                 Print the name of the programming serial port.
 +  --ttl-port                  Print the name of the TTL serial port.
 +  -h, --help                  Show this help screen.
 +Options for changing settings:
 +  --regulator-mode MODE       Sets programmer's operating voltage.
 +                              auto - choose 3.3 V or 5 V based on target VCC
 +                              3v3  - always 3.3 V
 +                              5v   - switch to 5 V soon after power up
 +  --vcc-output OPTION         Choose whether the programmer supplies power
 +                              to target VCC.  Options: enabled, disabled.
 +  --vcc-output-ind OPTION     Sets how to indicate that VCC is an output.
 +                              blinking - yellow LED(s) blink at 8 Hz (default)
 +                              steady - yellow LED(s) are on constantly
 +  --freq NUM                  Sets the ISP frequency (in units of kHz).
 +                              Must be typed exactly as shown below.
 +                              Suggested values: 3000, 2400, 2000, 1714
 +                              1500, 1200, 1000, 750, 444, 114 (default),
 +                              28.3, 14.0, 6.98, 3.47, 1.744, 1.465.
 +  --max-freq NUM              Sets the max ISP frequency (in units of kHz).
 +                              Must be typed exactly as shown below.
 +                              Suggested values: 3000, 2400, 2000,
 +                              1714 (default), 1500, 1200, 1000, 750.
 +  --line-a FUNC               Set the function of line A.  Valid FUNCs are:
 +                              none, cd, dsr, dtr, rts, dtr-reset.
 +  --line-b FUNC               Set the function of line B.  Valid FUNCs are:
 +                              none, cd, dsr, dtr, rts, clock, dtr-reset.
 +  --vcc-vdd-max-range MV      Sets the maximum allowed range for VCC and VDD
 +                              while programming.
 +  --vcc-3v3-min MV            Minimum allowed VCC while programming at 3.3 V.
 +  --vcc-3v3-max MV            Maximum allowed VCC while programming at 3.3 V.
 +  --vcc-5v-min MV             Minimum allowed VCC while programming at 5 V.
 +  --vcc-5v-max MV             Maximum allowed VCC while programming at 5 V.
 +  --sw-minor HEXNUM           Set STK500 software version minor (in hex)
 +  --sw-major HEXNUM           Set STK500 software version major (in hex)
 +  --hw HEXNUM                 Set STK500 software hardware version (in hex)
 +  --restore-defaults          Restore factory settings
 +This utility only supports the Pololu USB AVR Programmer v2
 +(blue-colored, labeled "pgm04a").
 +MV should be a voltage in millivolts.  For example, "3400" means 3.4 V.
 +For more help, see: https://www.pololu.com/docs/0J67
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 [[https://www.pololu.com/product/3172|Product page]] [[https://www.pololu.com/product/3172|Product page]]
 [[https://www.pololu.com/docs/pdf/0J67/pololu_usb_avr_programmer_v2.pdf|User's guide]] [[https://www.pololu.com/docs/pdf/0J67/pololu_usb_avr_programmer_v2.pdf|User's guide]]