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interfaces:mct232 [2015/01/29 10:24] darroninterfaces:mct232 [2015/03/22 21:55] (current) – external edit
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 These are basic USB UARTs which can achieve 115200 baud. These are basic USB UARTs which can achieve 115200 baud.
 +The device does not contain a well known USB UART bridge but is
 +comprised of a Philips PDIUSBD12, Philips 87C52 and a MAX232
 In Linux, the reverse engineered driver is imperfect and it's In Linux, the reverse engineered driver is imperfect and it's
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 a candidate for for testing unreliable serial connections. a candidate for for testing unreliable serial connections.
-The device does not contain a well known USB UART bridge but is 
-comprised of a Philips PDIUSBD12, Philips 87C52 and a MAX232 