====Pywikibot==== Wikimedia automation scripts. ===Clone=== git clone --recursive https://github.com/wikimedia/pywikibot Perform all future operations inside the pywikibot repository directory. cd pywikibot ===Install=== python3 -m venv ~/.venvs/pywikibot ~/.venvs/pywikibot/bin/python -m pip install -r requirements.txt ===Config=== First create a family file. ~/.venvs/pywikibot/bin/python pwb.py generate_family_file.py Enter the URL and name to create a family file for the private site. Select no when asked about interwiki links. Eg. from pywikibot import family class Family(family.Family): # noqa: D101 name = 'MySite' langs = { 'en': 'www.example.com', } def version(self, code): return "1.4.3" # The MediaWiki version used. def scriptpath(self, code): return { 'en': '/w', }[code] def protocol(self, code): return { 'en': 'https', }[code] Next a user configuration is needed. cp user-config.py.sample user-config.py vi user-config.py Eg. mylang = 'en' family = 'MySite' usernames['MySite']['en'] = 'Mybot' Lastly run the login script to enter the password. ~/.venvs/pywikibot/bin/python pwb.py login -v -v ===Examples=== ~/.venvs/pywikibot/bin/python pwb.py source ~/.venvs/pywikibot/bin/activate.csh ./pwb.py welcome.py deactivate ===Resources==== [[https://github.com/wikimedia/pywikibot|Github]]| [[https://doc.wikimedia.org/pywikibot/stable/|Documentation]] [[https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Pywikibot/Use_on_third-party_wikis|Third party wikis]] [[https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Pywikibot/Wikidata|Wikidata]]