==== Slice of Pi/O ==== {{:interfaces:rpipio.jpg?200}} \\ \\ {{:interfaces:slipi.jpg?200}} The Slice of Pi/O is an I2C expansion board for the Raspberry Pi. === Power === The Slice of Pi/O may be configured in 3V3 or 5V modes of operation via a jumper. Power may be taken from the board on PWR and GND if a suitable 4-pin header is fitted. === RPi I2C === == Without device tree == sed -i 's/^blacklist/#blacklist/g' /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf == With device tree == echo "device_tree_param=i2c1=on" >> /boot/config.txt == With and without device tree == echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="i2c-dev", MODE:="0666"' >> /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules echo "options i2c_bcm2708 baudrate=400000" >> /etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf echo 'i2c-dev' >> /etc/modules reboot For the MCP23017 a baudrate of 900000 has been tested and appears to work satisfactorily. You should experiment with this value. === I/O === ^RPi revision ^I2C device ^Default MCP Address| | 1 |/dev/i2c-0 |0x20| | 2 |/dev/i2c-1 |0x20| === Pickle Microchip PIC ICSP === Low Voltage Programming with VPP at 3V3 or 5V Separate data I/O connections (only supported option) ==Wiring== SLICE OF Pi/O PICMicro ============= ======== PWR-------------------------------VDD GND-------------------------------VSS A0--------------------------------VPP A1--------------------------------PGC A2--------------1000R--------+----PGD | A3---------------------------+ A4--------------------------------PGM (1) - Not used by all LVP compatible devices. ==Config== VPP=0 # A0 PGC=1 # A1 PGDO=2 # A2 PGDI=3 # A3 PGM=-1 DEVICE=MCP230XX IFACE=/dev/i2c-1 ADDR=0x20 SLEEP=0 #VPP_RUN + PGD_IN_PULLUP BITRULES=0x1010 ===Resources=== {{downloads:Slice_Pi.pdf|Assembly manual}}