==== Nokia 5110 LCD ====
These are inexpensive LCD modules originally designed for mobile phones but now available on PCBs for general purpose usage.
The controller on the device is a Philips PCD8544.
=== Pinout ===
There are at least three varieties of LCD board, my example uses this pinout.
^Pin ^Name ^Function |
|8 | LED | Back light |
|7 | SCLK | Serial clock |
|6 | DN | Serial data |
|5 | D/C | Data/command |
|4 | RST | Reset |
|3 | SCE | Chip enable |
|2 | GND | Ground |
|1 | VCC | 3V3 power |
=== Resources ===
{{downloads:PCD8544.PDF|PCD8544 Data-sheet}}
{{downloads:TLS8204V12.PDF|TLS8204 Data-sheet}}
[[https://carlosefr.github.io/pcd8544/|Font editor]]