====Wio Tracker==== {{boards:wiotracker.jpg?200}} Wio Tracker 1110 Dev Board for [[tools:meshtastic|Meshtastic]] The onboard module contains a Semtech LR1110 and Nordic nRF52840. ===Firmware=== Preloaded firmware meshtastic Latest stable Latest alpha ==Update== * Download UF2 file from [[https://flasher.meshtastic.org/|here]]. * Double tap reset to enter DFU mode. * Mount drive. * Copy UF2 file to drive and it will reboot after a moment with updated firmware. * Unmount drive. NB Drive will automatically mount and unmount when using Windows. ===Configure=== Configure using the [[/tools:meshtastic#command_line_interface|CLI]]. ===Use=== Pair device with phone and use the [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.geeksville.mesh&hl=en-US|app]]. ===LED=== RED P1.01 3V3B SENSOR POWER GREEN FLASH NO BATTERY CHARGING ON CHARGED OFF BLUE P0.06 LED_BLUE GENERAL PURPOSE ===Resources=== [[https://www.seeedstudio.com/Wio-Tracker-1110-Dev-Board-for-Meshtastic-p-5914.html|Product page]] [[https://files.seeedstudio.com/products/SenseCAP/Wio-Tracker/Wio%20Tracker%201110%20v1.0_SCH_PDF_20230822.pdf|Schematic]]